Sunday, April 17, 2011

Self-Portraits - Be my model

Pardon the dust on the blog.

We actually had three sessions since the last post on March 6 to help the kids complete several art pieces for an exhibition. Unfortunately, no photos as they were sent in for selection purposes.

This week, we had an interactive session to help kids learn to observe and draw what they see. The kids were first told to choose a partner each. Then, I broke the news that they had to draw their partners face. Hahaha... you should have seen their reaction!


Aishah, drawn by Nisa

Nurul, drawn by Anita

Nisa, drawn by Aishah





Zul, drawn by Nasir

Syawal, drawn by Amin

Nizam, drawn by Hanafi

Amin, drawn by Syawal

Jaya is 5 years old and mischievous!

Teacher's notes

This week, some kids had to stay back at church as they are taking part in an Easter dance performance. So, I was lucky to have more time with the remaining kids who are new to the Home. Hoping to get to know them better. Our stars for the session were Nizam, Azam, Nisa and Syawal We focused on observation of facial features and accurate colour selection...but as you can see they still need practice. Overall, not bad for some first attempts at self-portraiture, I thought!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fruity Sunday - Still life study

The boys are back in the main house this week.

Best Sunday Art: Nasir



Syawal (new boy)





Saturday, February 26, 2011

Idea week



Nabila - self-portrait



Sunday, February 6, 2011

Freestyle painting

Today, the kids chose their own topics from a series of sample drawing references to make them their own.

Best Sunday Art - Asyikin

Nabila - Little red riding hood

Atiqah - Bird

Viknes - Fairy

Aishah - David Archuleta

Jaya - Home sweet home

Nurul - Fishes

Sunday, January 30, 2011

January - Nature study

Today, our still life session was on garden leaves. It was raining all day today. So, i have to give myself some brownie points for going round the garden with an umbrella, cutting out interesting leaves.

Best Sunday Art - Nabila for her originality






Teacher's Notes
This is our first session this year. We had 8 girls this week, which was such a good-sized session with some one-on-one attention all round. We are joined by 3 new girls - Nisa, Nurul and Atiqah. Good attempts all-round.